Welcome to Focus on the Family India.

India has always given utmost importance to and held in high regard the institution of family. While changing times and thoughts continually challenge this basic unit of society, we strive to nurture families and help their members thrive so that they both support and build each other up. We hope that our classroom instructional programs and online articles will provide support and succour to all who access them.


Discover effective Christian parenting tips to raise godly children by balancing faith and extracurricular activities, prioritizing church attendance, and selecting the best Christian books for children.”

When tweens and teens experience psychological distress, they may resort to cutting themselves to cope with the emotional pain.

Emotional or verbal abuse is different from conflicts or arguments. Couples need to understand and recognize the differences. What are some indications of abuse?

Our Mission

To nurture families and help their individual members thrive. 

Contact Us

If you’re in Hyderabad, we’d be delighted to have you visit our office and counselling center.

You could call us on +91 96036 93480 to set an appointment

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